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Physics, Math, Computer Science, and Statistics


Sean Graves is Faculty Lecturer in the department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Alberta. Sean has a B.Ed and M.Sc from the U of A and now teaches mathematics and

statistics courses as well as coordinates the Decima Robinson Support Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. Sean is involved with several mathematics outreach activites and is the PIMS Alberta Education Coordinator.


Sean is a fourth generation Albertan on both sides of his family and enjoys many hobbies such as camping, fishing, woodworking, and playing the guitar.



Matthew Emmet

Matthew Emmett received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the UofA in 2010, and is now working as an oil and gas Reservoir Simulation Scientist at the Computer Modelling Group (CMG; in Calgary.  Before beginning his job at CMG in 2015, Matt held two postdoctoral research positions in the USA, beginning at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and finishing at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley California.  Both positions focused on scientific computing and numerical analysis on large scale supercomputers.

Matts passion for physics, applied mathematics and the design, implementation and analysis of advanced algorithms have guided his career path since graduating from the UofA.

Andria Dawson

Andria obtained her interdisciplinary doctorate in Applied Mathematics at the University of Alberta in 2013, in which she used mathematics and statistics to address questions in forest ecology. Currently, she is a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley working on a large-scale interdisciplinary project known PalEON (Paleo-ecological observatory network). 


Andria recognizes the value in being interdiscplinary, and continues to seek opportunities to learn new skills appealling to both industry and academia. In her current position, Andria works as a mathematical & statistical ecologist, using quantitative methods and computational tools to help unravel the stories hidden in large ecological data sets. Andria works closely with experts from other disciplines, and this has taught her that communication and project management are key aspects to a successful interdisciplinary collaboration.


In addition to research, Andria has a long-standing passion for teaching, and keeps involved by teaching mathematics enrichment programs and tutoring.

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